FSRL projects
Sainte Rose de Lima and its institutions in the country.
Saint Joseph de Cluny is composed of Sainte Rose de Lima and 14 other institutions.The goal of FSRL is to support them and their activities. Below are the ongoing activities FSRL is supporting.
Click HERE to see our goal et budget financing by project types for ongoing activities.
1- Cap-Haitian National School Anne Marie
We are trying to ameliorate the services provided by our center, my increasing the number meals serviced in the school cafeteria, rebuilding and enlarging the restrooms amenities, updating the library. 650 students depend on our support.
2- Rosalie Javouhey Center
The Rosalie Javouhey Center, founded in 1993, is a private school managed by the Saint-Joseph de Cluny sisters. Located at number #50 in Avenue Pouplard in Port-au-Prince, this center opened its doors to its first students in 1993: 125 girls aged 4 to 5 years old, living in the slums of Saint-Antoine. The current student enrollment of the school stands at 384 students. The youngest are in pre-school. The oldest are in 5th year (CM1 in French system) of elementary school.
3- Anne Marie Javouhey School in Petion -Ville
Our school, founded in 1889, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1989. Scholl enrollment has varied between 370 and 400 students for many years. We believe that it will reach 450 students in the next school year. Students get one cooked meal from the cafeteria every day. In the afternoon, the evening classes “Marie-Reine” instruct 150 youths of both sexes. This literacy course is free, but we need to pay our monitors a modest fee for their work.
4- Anne Marie Center in Bolosse Carrefour
The Anne-Marie Center was founded by the Saint-Joseph de Cluny sisters in September 1966, on the hills of the 4th avenue Bolosse. This heavily populated neighborhood counted among its residents many of the victims of the hurricanes Ines and Flora that hit the south of the country. To be noted that while most of them are of Protestant religious affiliations, they wanted their children to benefit from an affordable education from religious schools. The center houses 13 classrooms. The current enrollment is 502 students from 1st year to 6th year (fundamental cycle) and 1 preschool class. The staff comprises 20 teachers, and 2 administrative staff. A sister is the school director. The center has a cafeteria where one cooked meal is served to students during school days.
5- Saint Marc
Five sisters are part of this community. One of them works at the hospital's state pharmacy and provides services to the hospital patients. The four others work in education in a national school of 600 students assuming the religious formation of these pupils. They are working with 22 teachers, and 2 sports coaches.
6- Ecole de Maissade
7- GONAIVES Ecole St Pierre Claver
The first sisters of Saint-Joseph de Cluny arrived in Gonaives in October 1873. With courage, determination, and tenacity, they immediately started to fix the dilapidated building donated to them by the Haitian government of the time. Today, 7 sisters of Saint Joseph de Cluny continue the work of these pioneers. They are responsible for the administration of 4 sections: primary school, secondary school, professional and teacher formation, and religious education and community activities.
8- Marie Auxiliatrice OF Thomonde
There are currently 4 sisters of Saint-Joseph de Cluny working diligently in this educational center. In his project, they are assisted by 8 teachers, 2 teachers aides during primary school classes in the morning. 5 teachers are helping with literacy classes in the evening. 3 female workers work in the cafeteria Enrollment for morning primary school is 385 students, and 130 students for evening literacy classes. Students are of both sexes.
9- Cayes-Jacmel Sainte Thérèse School
The principal project is a primary school for boys and girls with a current enrollment of 559 students from pre-school to 6th year (fundamental cycle). This school is staffed by 11 teachers and 4 teachers aides. The goal is to form Christian citizens so they can assume a leadership role in their church and society. We are working diligently toward this goal by providing educational, intellectual, spiritual, and social training to the community.
10- Jacmel-Marie Reine Immaculée
In this primary schools of 620 students, with 15 teachers, we are focusing on their comprehensive education. To improve their work productivity, we provide them with one daily cooked meal from the cafeteria, as well as access to our food bank supported by the Catholic Relief Service. We work diligently toward their intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual development. We have a center for promotion and education of girls and women. This center serves 30 low income students who get trained in sewing, stitching, cooking, home management, hygiene practices, and citizen education.
11- Mère Louise PAP SCHOOL
This school was founded in 1865. But they moved into this current building in 1931.
12- La Providence Clinic
This clinic is open twice a week in the afternoon, on Tuesdays and Thursday. It treats up to 800 low income patients per month. For free or for the modest contribution of 15 gourdes, they offer services in ophthalmology, pediatric, gynecology, dermatology, orthodontic, and general practice. It also offers nutrition education to help with the nutritional deficiencies with young children.
13- Hinche Hospital
This hospital provide various services: general practice, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, and emergency. They also have a clinic, out-patient service, ophthalmology service, tuberculosis center, and radiology services. A specialist comes from Port-au-Prince once a month to operate the ophthalmology services for 5 days. Our chaplin pay for his salary and travel expenses. The one specialist on permanent duty is the gynecologist who is also the director of the hospital. He is assisted by 2 general practices physicians, 2 social services physicians, and a dentist. 5 nurses and 30 assistant nurses complete the hospital staffing.
14- Ange Gardien (Guardian Angel) Patronage
The Patronage de L' Ange Gardien has 2 sections: the section for younger children with 360 students, and a section for older students with 80 currently enrolled. We also offer literacy services to those not enrolled. The literacy services is a 5 years program that offers sewing, cooking, baking, crochet, stitching, and floral arrangement classes in the last year. This center currently enrolls 140 students. It is staffed by 6 instructors. The sewing class is offered on Saturdays and has 70 students. Religious education to the young ones is on Sunday afternoons. Religious formation of older students is on Sunday mornings. Once a month, the regulars of the center get access to our food bank.
Click HERE to see our goal et budget financing by project types for ongoing activities. |